Room Details

On this page the following pieces of information concerning this room are displayed:

Beside room type and room name you will also find areas here, of which a room consists. Usually a room consists of one area. For more information see Compound Rooms.

If a room can be booked directly ("Yes" see "Direct Booking"), no confirmation is required.

Number of participants: The room's capacity is shown to you iin row "Number of Participants". There you can view the minimum, optimal and maximum number of participants for a certain room.
When searching for a free room while Creating a Booking only those rooms will be suggested where your entered number of participants lies between the minimum and maximum capacity.
Setup times prior to your booking change the starting time, according to the setup time needed, further into the past and setup times after your booking delay the ending time towards the future. If a room was booked for 2 pm requiring a prior setup time of 30 min, it will not be available for other bookings from 1:30 pm onwards. If in addition to this a setup time for booked equipment exists, the system will automatically take the longer one into account.

Room occupancy means the whole period of time that a booking requires, setup times included.