Booking / Create Booking

To search for a free room for a specific date click on "Booking" and "Create Booking" in the menu. (If you wish to book rooms for recurring dates, e.g. quarterly meetings, click on "Create Serial Booking".)

On this page you need to enter certain data that enables DISPOROOM to find a free room that meets your requirements.

You can also limit the room search to a specific building or room type.

If you click on "require permanent room equipment" you can restrict the search to free rooms that have the required equipment available (e.g. an overhead projector).

Please note that your booking does not include specific equipment for your meeting but is rather the possiblity for searching rooms that have some sort of permanent equipment. Hence, you should only tick "beamer" for example, if you absolutely require a room for your meeting where such equipment is permanently installed (which is rarely the case). Usually, it will be sufficient if you were supplied with a portable one. To get portable equipment, do not tick any permanent equipment items but go on the following page to the tab "Equipment" where you can order non-permanent items especially for your meeting. This tab will be displayed once you have selected a free room from a generated list (after you have selected a room and clicked on "Create Booking").

Following data must be entered in order to find a free room via DISPOROOM: "From", "Until" and the number of participants

Further Tips:

Definition of Serial Bookings

Tips on how to Create Serial Bookings

Tips on Seating Arrangements