Create Booking � Tab "Equipment"

On this page you can order equipment and services that you might need for a meeting. On the top of the page you can see the rooms's permanent equipment (if existent). Below that you can order additional equipment, but only what is offered in the drop-down-menu.

Simply choose your desired equipment from the drop-down-menu, enter the required amount and click on "Add". A new row will be added and displayed in your booking. In this row the cost of that order will be shown, too (if pre-entered in the system)*. Depending on the configuration of the system the costs will be either calculated by the amount ordered or by the used time. Equipment that is cleared by the amount ordered the costs are not effected by the time this equipment will be used. By which criteria the costs get calculated is shown in the column "unit" ("unit" or "hour").

Click on "Delete" to delete the selected equipment.

If you completed all your entries and do not wish to either order service or allocate costs, you can now click on "Create Booking". Only by finishing your booking the entered equipment will be added to your booking. Afterwards you will get a Booking Confirmation displayed.

*not in all releases / tariffs availbale