User Administration

General Information
Create Users
Edit/Delete Users
Assign Group Memberships

General information
On this page you can create, edit and delete users. In addition you can assign user roles.

Q: Why has an user already been create, eventhough I receive an message on the start page that no user has been created so far?

A: When registrating an user is automatically created for the person who registers. Login name and password will be identical to the ones chosen when registering. This user is the only one that cannot be deleted. This ensures that the person carried out the registration will always be able to login (except he/she changed the login name or the password afterwards or forgot the login data).

Search for users
Click on "Show Users" to get a list of all users. The search results will be displayed below the form.
By using the various entry fields you can limit the search results and by clicking on the button "Reset Form" the results and the search criteria will be reset.
To get detailled information about an user click on the link "Details". To create a new user click on "New User".
You can define the way the search results are sorted by using the respective buttons. Below the displayed list you can change between pages if the number of results is high enough. You can also define the number of datasets you would like to be displayed per page.It can vary from "10" to "20" to "30".

Create users

First click on the button "Create New User". Afterwards complete the entry form. All entry fields marked with a * must be completed. Please, take especially care when entering your e-mail address because DISPOROOM will automatically send messages to the user once he/she booked a room or once a room was booked for this person.

Note: A user role does not necessarily be assigned to a user. The user will be part of the DISPOROOM user list, but will not be able to logon him-/herself. This enables the room administrator to name organizers of an event that do not have access to the system themselves.

Edit/delete users
First you need to generate a user list via the search function. Afterwards select a user from the list and click on "Details". User data will be shown in a form and can then be edited. If you click on the link "Delete", the user will be deleted. Still, all previous references about this user will remain in the system (e.g. if he/she was the organizer of previous bookings).