
Activate entry field for seating arrangements
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Minimal booking duration (in minutes)
Minimal preliminary time before booking (in hours)
Bookings cancelable up to x hours before booking
Maximal number of dates per serial booking

Activate authorization for service-staff to make changes
Show public overview
Users may view bookings of other users
E-mail address of service service
E-mail address of equipment service
E-mail address of seating service
Additional recipients of booking confirmation
Enable personal organizer link

Activate entry field for seating arrangements

If you activate this parameter, a new entry field will appear on the tab "Booking Info". In this entry field you can enter your favored seating arrangement for the room you would like to book. Then in the room service list an additional column containing information about the seating arrangements will appear.

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Equipment: If you activate this function, equipment will be bookable through DISPOROOM. Hence, equipment types and equipment items can be created. Furthermore, equipment can be made available for certain rooms and be ordered when booking a room. In case this funtion is not activated, the system will not offer the functions mentioned above.

Services: Only by activating this function, DISPOROOM can offer certain services. Services can be created, be made available for rooms and last be ordered when booking a room. If this function is not activated, the system will not be able to offer the functions mentioned above.

Costs *: Activating this function enables DISPOROOM to allocate costs. In addition, costs can be defined for rent and the booking of equipment and services. The cost will be listed in detail when booking and there is the possibility to allocate costs to different cost centers. If this function is not activated, the system will not be able to offer the mentioned functions.

Minimal booking duration (in minutes)

This parameter defines how long a booking needs to take place at least. If a users enters a shorter booking duration, he/she will receive an error message and will not be able to save his/her booking.

The predefined default value is set to 15 minutes. We recommend not to select a value higher than 29 minutes because the smallest unit on the booking overview is 30 minutes.


Parameter: Minimal preliminary time before booking (in hours)

This value shows the minimal time required between the creation of a booking and the actual event. We set the default value to 0 hours in order to enable you to create a booking at 16:59 for an event starting at 17:00.


Parameter: Bookings cancelable up to X hours before booking

If a user wants to cancel his/her booking in less than the here entered hours, he/she will receive an error message that this is not possible anymore.We set the default value to 0 hours in order to enable you to create a booking at 16:59 for an event starting at 17:00.

Parameter: Maximal number of dates per serial booking

The parameter prevents a memory overflow in case a user mistypes the end date of his/her serial booking (e.g. 20.1.2080 instead of 20.1.2008).

You should not select a value above 100. The default value is 25.

If you select a higher number of dates, all dates higher than 25 cannot be displayed because the "Maximum number of dates" gets exceeded.

Please note:

Create Booking / Serial Bookings

Parameter: Activate authorization for service staff to make changes

Activating this function enables service staff to change all bookings that have not been cleared yet. The advantage is that unnecessary services, drinks for example, can be returned without being charged.

Parameter: Show public overview

If active the bookings schedule page can be made public accessable. This can be used to include the schedule page in your own custom website.
use the additional URL parameter "account" at the login page or at the booking/schedule page to generate the overview.

Insert HTML-Code below for a integration in your Website:

<iframe src="{YOUR ACCOUNT}&lang=de" width="1100" height="300" border="0" frameborder="0"></iframe/>

Parameter: Users may view bookings of other users

If you activate this parameter, users can view and open all bookings in the booking overview (and not only the ones they created themselves or whose organizer they are). However, users will only be able to edit their own bookings.

Parameter: E-mail address of service staff

Mails will be send to this address, if a user also orders (service) services when creating a booking, cancels booked services (Cp. the parameter "Bookings cancelable up to X hours before booking") or changes them.

Service staff will also be informed when whole bookings get cancelled or if any changes might effect the services.

Please note:

Tab "Services"
Master Data Maintenance: Services

Parameter: E-mail address of equipment service

Mails will be send to this address once a user orders also equipment when creating a booking (e.g. beamer), cancels booked equipment (Cp. the parameter "Bookings cancelable up to X hours before booking") or changes an equipment booking.

Service staff will also be informed when whole bookings get cancelled or if any changes might effect the equipment booking.

Please note:

Tab "Equipment"
Master Data Maintenance: Equipment

Parameter: E-mail address of seating service *

Mails will be send to this address once a user also requests seating arrangements when creating a booking (e.g. beamer), cancels a booking (Cp. the parameter "Bookings cancelable up to X hours before booking") or changes the seating arrangements of booking.

Please note:

Master Data Maintenance: Seating

Parameter: Additional recipients of booking confirmation

The e-mail address must be separated by semicolon. The recipients get a copy of the booking confirmation.

Parameter: Eanable Personal organizer

Check this to enable a link to the personal organizer schedule in the main menu.
A calendar service provider must be selected. Google calendar service is selected as default.